TRIBUTE TO DAVID TAYLOR by Trevor Partington
I first came to live in Stafford in March 1968 where I was inducted as the pastor of Covenant Hall, now known as the Elim Hope Church. Shortly after arriving someone in the church community told me I ought to meet up with David Taylor, the newly installed pastor of Rising Brook Baptist. I can recall to this day what he said to me:- “I think you and he will get on very well together”. That comment proved to be in every sense of the word true. Along with George O’Brien the vicar of St. Andrew’s in the town, the three of us worked very closely together on various united church projects, paving the way for what is now known today as Love Stafford.
We started a telephone ministry, pioneered by the Archbishop of Canterbury’s sister Norah Coggan. We also started the memorial services at Stafford Crem, which to this day are still been held. Added to this we organised town wide missions.
David was a man of great integrity and a brother in the Lord who I deeply respected. So much so that when my younger son was born, and he is now 49, it was David Taylor that my late wife Chris and I asked to dedicate him. To this day Jonathan is still walking closely with the Lord.
Though later because of a change of pastorate we were living in different parts of the UK, David and his wife Kathy were always a couple who inspired by – their dedication, David’s handling of the Word of God and the wise advice he often gave us.
Having just faced deep grief myself at the loss of Chris, two months ago I know Kathy that despite your faith in Lord, the assurance that David is with Christ which is far better and the hope of one day meeting him again in the after-life, that you like me will be deeply sorrowful at his passing. As a pastor I have taken dozens of funerals but when it is your own spouse it is wholly different. May the good Lord grant you, as he has me, the comfort and support of Christian family members and other believers who unlike Job’s comforters are careful in what they say to you and are constantly praying for you. As the late Queen said: - “Grief is the price we have to pay for true love”. Should you like me at times confuse your tears with a lack of faith be assured that this is not the case for Jesus himself wept at the death of Lazarus. So to quote 2 Cors 1:3-4, may “the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort”, richly bless you and your family at this time.
Trevor Partington
10th October 2022